Russian President (dictator), Herr Putin, was in Israel recently. While it's well-documented that Putin was elected--then re-elected and elected again illegitimately, that the election process in of itself is a sham, that Putin's anti-Western, pro-Iranian regime has repeatedly made crude human rights violations, that Putin and his hentchmen have murdered countless opposition members and members of the Russian "free" press, that Putin was a KGB agent at the age of 21, and that Russia is the most evil regime in the world (worse than the likes of Syria, Sudan, and Iran), Israel welcomed the bastard (there are no better terms to describe him) and provided him access to Judaism's holiest sites.
While I realize that Israel and its leadership had little choice other than to welcome any world leader who's willing to visit here, I don't believe we should have been as ready to appease this evil psycho. I don't think Bibi and Peres (the latter of whom little can be expected of) should have been as willing to lavish praise on Putin and his regime. I certainly don't think FM Avigdor Lieberman, who knows the truth about Russia all too well, should have as much as shaken hands with Putin.
But what got me on a personal level was seeing Russian Federation flags flying high over Jerusalem. Now, I don't know what's worse: gay flags in Tel-Aviv or Russian flags in Jerusalem, but what I do know is that both of these expressions of "freedom" and "human rights" are in effect expressions of evil. Not so much the gay flags; after all they're "born" gay, right!? But the Russian flag stands for centuries of oppressing countless people; be they Chechens, Germans, Poles, Ukrainians, Litvaks, Georgians, Bosnians, Estonians, Czechs, or Jews.
Let me make this very clear: I have Russian relatives and friends whom I love, but I detest what Russia stands for. It stands for the worst qualities of human nature and I, in no way consider myself "Russian."
Inviting Putin to visit Israel was the only choice we had and it was probably the right one, but we could--and should have made more of an effort to let him know Israel doesn't approve of his choices. Perhaps some of our top politicians (I would have liked to see this on the part of Lieberman and had he been in the opposition I believe he would have done this) could have given him a cold shoulder. I'm certain the Russian flag should under no circuimstance be flying over Jerusalem. This is an embarassment to our national pride and a mini-tragedy for me as an Israeli Jew.
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